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English Tip

English is everywhere nowadays, also in schools. Encourage your children to learn it as much as possible as the proficiency of the language will pay off in a time.

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  • How I`m Fighting Breast Cancer

    It was the summer of 2005 when my diagnostic mammogram revealed a growth in the back of my breast. The biopsy confirmed it was cancer.

  • Does Personality Matter When Running a Business?

    In order to run a business you need to have the ability to handle one. You must have certain qualities that will allow you to operate the business without hesitation.

  • Welcome to Tokyo - Welcome to a New World

    Tokyo is not a city for the hurried tourist making a quick stopover en route to other destinations in Japan. Tokyo comes as a real surprise to most travelers. Much more than a city, it is a completely different world. When visitors to Japan first arrive at Narita International Airport, they...