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English Tip

Sometimes disabled people may be better employees than regular ones and you can receive a feedback from charities and agencies concerning hiring disabled ones.

The government wants to help the companies

We are going to help the companies which have suffered because of the crisis- such statement announced the politicians debating in a special board devoted to the crisis affairs.

We are going to help the companies which have suffered because of the crisis- such statement announced the politicians debating in a special board devoted to the crisis affairs. The help is supposed to be irreclaimable and the changes quickly implemented. The next conference is going to take place in the middle of May and just then we are going to get know more details.

board - komisja
irreclaimable - bezzwrotny
to implement- wdrożyć

Dodano: 2009-04-20
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Nauka angielskiego online

Prawdziwy angielski. Nauka na autentycznych materiałach. Angielski specjalistyczny

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