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English Tip

Don't be afraid to praise your employees. They want to be spotted and recognized by their job. Concentrate on your job, but don't forget to be polite.


Zwroty przydatne podczas prezentacji


(Good morning, afternoon, evening)

I`m happy to be here.

It`s good to see you all here.

May I have your attention, please!

Thank you for inviting me here.

I`m glad to have this opportunity to . . .

Today, I`d like to talk (to you) about . . .

I`d like to talk about our future plans.

I`ll focus on three main points.

Main points

Firstly ...

Let me start by . . .

First, let me tell you about . . .

I`d like to begin with ...

Sorry, where was I?

Now I`d like to turn to ...

Sales picked up ...

There was a decline ...

If you compare ...

Now let`s look at ...

So much for ...

Next ...

I`d like now to discuss ...

Are there any questions?

Do you have any questions?

Giving examples

For example,

To give you an example, ...

For instance,

Let me illustrate, ...

Here you can see ...


That`s all I wanted to say.

In conclusion,

To conclude,

To summarize,

To sum up,

Many thanks for your attention.

You`re welcome to contact me.

Dodano: 2008-11-30
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