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Hairstyles for Round Face Shapes

Hairstyles for Round Face Shapes - What Hair Styles Will Suit your Round Face Best

If you are like many women out there and have been gifted a round face, there are specific hairstyles for round face shapes that will make you look more beautiful.

But before we proceed to give you hairstyle ideas, here`s an important question...

Are you sure you have a round face?

To make sure that you are going to get your best look with these hairstyle tips, it`s important that you first make sure you have a round face.

One simple way is to put your hair into a ponytail and go in front of the mirror. Then draw the outline of your face on the mirror with a lip stick around your face. Then step back and see what shape it is more similar to.

Here is a list of face shapes to help you see which one your face drawing is more similar to...

  • Oval
  • Round
  • Long
  • Heart
  • Square
  • Diamond
Another great technique to see if your face is really round is to ask other people like your friends or family members to guess your face shape. Since they will have an outsider`s look, they can say more accurately.

OK, so now that you are sure you have a round face, let`s see what kind of hair style will look best on you...

The best hairstyles that will look good on you are those that add length to your face.

A long straight hair is a good idea because long hair will make your face look longer, and since it`s straight it will make your head width show less.

So what if your hair is not straight and it`s curly?

Then a long hairstyle will still look good on you. You may want to use a hair straightener like the popular Sedu flat iron to make your hair straight sometimes.

Here you can see some beautiful Sedu hairstyles for straight hair.

Another good hairstyle idea that will look perfect on round faces is a long hairstyle with curly ends because it will add width to the bottom of your face and make the width disappear.

Also an easy way to find beautiful hairstyles for round face is to see which celebrity has a round face and then search for that celebrity`s hairstyles pictures.

Since celebrities frequently try different hairstyles, you can easily find a collection of good round face hairstyles this way. You can see which hair styles fits her face most and then try it on yourself.

But at the end, remember it`s YOU and only you who decides which hairstyle you feel most comfortable in, and that it the hairstyle that will also look most beautiful on you.

If you like a hairstyle that doesn`t fit the rules outlined here, it doesn`t matter. Because when you like your hairstyle and feel good in it, all the rest goes away because this confidence and inner beauty will shine through your face and you will look more beautiful than ever.

Wish you the best of luck in choosing your hair style!

Author: Ladi Lashkari

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/hairstyles-for-round-face-shapes-what-hair-styles-will-suit-your-round-face-best-91613.html

Dodano: 2008-11-30
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