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English Tip

Protect your laws if you see they're getting violated. Go trade associations.

Advertising as a form of manipulating people

With the growing number of mass media we are being dragged in a vague game with sales clerks. Unaware, we sit down by a negotiating table every day watching TV. Allured by vivid pictures that create a perfect world where everyone is happy, we fall for witty manipulative gimmicks. Although advertising does raise consumers’ awareness, its superior aim is still to stupefy consumers and trick them into buying.

First of all, people should realize that advertisers take advantage of consumers’ psychological vulnerability. They play with our self – esteem, pride and ambition. Advertisements use the images of irreproachable people who succeed in both business and life. Of course their success is the result of using the advertised product. Those contrived attacks waken our basic instincts, the eternal desire to excel. Though hundreds of years have passed we still have this deep – rooted belief that only the best hunter form the herd can provide his family with an affluent living. We fall into this crafty set trap, thinking that the decision of buying a particular product is our own.

What is more, advertising contributes to people’s depression as well as an increase in obesity and crime. Human brain scans by Emory University showed that advertisements release dopamine which makes consumers feel thrilled with the prospect of buying an advertised product. However, the feeling disappears after the item is purchased and “buyer’s remorse”, feeling of guilt, can occur later as a result bringing counterproductive effects.

Supporters of advertising say that it creates awareness among buyers. They say that we become brand aware. However, it should be underlined that this awareness refers only to brands that are world market tycoons. The minor brands are neglected, which prevents us from making a conscious decision.

Having said this, it is the violation of human rights when consumers are deprived of the possibility to decide for themselves. It is definitely high time to cause a commotion about daily spam, hoardings and leaflets that make us slaves to compulsive buying against our will.

Autor: Martyna Somerlik

Dodano: 2012-04-04
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